Ok, here is a breakdown of the reaction to the meeting from my family organized their Dub status:
Uber Dubs with somewhat somewhat open but still brainwashed minds: didn't discuss much with them today, but the afternoon was filled with "goofs" on "tight pants" and tardiness. So basically no one in this camp is running for the hills, but they certainly thought it was over the top.
"Weak" Dubs (my favorite people, and why I'm sticking around): wife had very brief conversation with this family member, but will talk again later. Basically, the husband is flipping out. He says what he heard was stupid, sexist, bigoted nonsense and is completely disgusted. Yay!!
My wife: so just looking at a thread I made about two weeks ago where I posited that my wife was a little more than "half out" after watching GBTV. . . . ..
After yesterday, I think she's about 90% out and going fast! Almost too fast! Where are the brakes on this thing?
Again, I must thank the GB. I couldn't get my family out of the cult without you!